Isn’t it refreshing to know that there is a safe, comfortable haven for political leaders or rebels in exile from their own country, to take refuge? You know, a place where they can enjoy a cigar, some fresh mango juice, or a round of golf?
The most recent celebrity politician alleged to be hiding behind their Ray bans in Dubai is Thaksin Shinawatra, the Thai telecom mogul who was Prime Minister of Thailand from 2001 to 2006. Since being deposed in a military coup, he’s said to be living in Dubai’s swanky Emirates Hills neighborhood, near our friends David and Della. He’s been seen playing golf at the Montgomerie Golf Club, and probably enjoys a nice life while the yellow shirts protest against him and close down airports in Bangkok.
I went with a friend recently, to the Thai consulate so she could apply for a tourist visa, and we asked if he could come out and play, to no avail.
Benazir Butto should have remained in Dubai. After being removed from the office of Prime Minister of Pakistan twice, under corruption charges, she lived in exile here. She and her children took yoga classes from a friend of mine at one of the local beach clubs. We all know what happened to her, two short months after returning to Pakistan in 2007. She had been in Dubai since 1998.
Idi Amin’s mother was said to have graced the coffee bars here. She probably lived in Jumeriah and belonged to the Expat-Women’s gardening club, although that rumor can neither be confirmed nor denied. I think Stan might have made that up.
But that’s all old news. The most recent high profile case involved another political figure living here, and another assassination. A prominent Chechen, Sulim Yamadayev, who opposed Chechnya’s Moscow-backed president Ramzan Kadyrov, was recently slain James Bond-like by a man with a golden gun wearing black gloves. Or so it was reported. The Russian-made pistol used to gun down the rebel leader was found discarded nearby. All of this took place in a parking garage in the Jumeriah Beach Residence towers, where I teach the way of the peaceful warrior. When I expressed concern for my safety, my pragmatist of a husband replied, “This was a professional hit, honey. I’m thinking they weren’t looking for Starbuck’s-yielding yoga teachers. You’ve been watching Soprano’s reruns again, haven’t you?” And that’s supposed to make me feel better?
Give us your tired, your not-so-poor, and your corrupt. We’ll give them a nice place to live. Wonder if George W. has considered Dubai?
1 comment:
Ha! Good one Bob, forgot about Jacko! No, I think he pushed on to Kuwait, or wait, it was Bahrain. Oh, but then the King was suing him.....not sure. But, funny you should mention a memeber of the fabulous 5, Jermaine was here, just yesterday! We heard him on the radio!
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